Aqua Pavillion

Approaching this team project with constructibility in mind, the Aqua Pavilion, designed for a Grow Pittsburgh design competition, combines affordability with a modular system capable of recurrence.  Functionally the project creates a community garden and much needed water collection pavilion for the Martin Luther King community garden. Aesthetically the structures used for rain collection serve as playful covered spaces for garden users. The design itself is conceptualized as individual modules repeated multiple times to create an expansive open covered space. Wood and polycarbonate are utilized, materials that are affordable and create an inviting user experience as the water collection system can be viewed in detail. The design is minimalistic and extremely easy to assemble allowing for repetition and control of the number of modules installed.


1st Place Aqua Pavillion Competition

in collaboration with Zane Birenbaum, Timothy Khalifa, Gargi Lagvankar, D.K Wang

How does a low-cost modular system teach and perform?